Sodexo is the exclusive caterer/food provider for the UNO campus.
Effective immediately: All community nonprofits and university departments are REQUIRED to use Sodexo for all dining/catering needs.
CEC community building partners (community nonprofits with office space) that have reserved single rooms (i.e., 127, 221, 201) may use outside food provider. Once two rooms are combined (i.e., 201/205, 230/231) building partners are required to use Sodexo.
Sodexo Orders
- To order food through UNO Food Services, please .
More information about food at meetings and events in the CEC (for building partners only):
- Temperature-controlled food (hot or cold) is not allowed to be catered or brought into the building unless you have an approved exemption, or fall within the CEC Building Partner Catering Agreement.
- If your event has specific culturally-appropriate needs, UNO Catering will do their best to work with you, or discuss an exemption.
- Individuals may bring in their “brown bag lunches” if they attend a meeting or event.
- Guests are required to clean up and dispose of any leftover food and drink items. Please visit the first and second floor welcome desks to request trash bags.
Questions: Email us at